Serap Taş - Zafer İlkokulu Anasınıfı Çorum /Türkiye - Pay It Forward We published our sections of the story of “how goodness changed the world” by children on our blog

SerapTaş -Zafer İlkokulu Anasınıfı
Çorum /Türkiye
Pay It Forward We published our sections of the story of “how goodness changed the world” by children on our blog.

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Hakkımda Serap Taş - Çiğdem Anaokulu / Çorum

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6 Haziran 2020 Cumartesi

Serap Taş - Zafer İlkokulu Anasınıfı Çorum /Türkiye - Pay It Forward We published our sections of the story of “how goodness changed the world” by children on our blog

SerapTaş -Zafer İlkokulu Anasınıfı
Çorum /Türkiye
Pay It Forward We published our sections of the story of “how goodness changed the world” by children on our blog.

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